When understanding the aspects of filmmaking, students had to make an A.V Script to know how to direct their film, and pay attention to the different elements in a visual story.

This is the full A.V. Script that I created for my Postproduction project

"The Man who thought he was British- B-ROLL" In making videos for my digital cinematography class, I had to become acquainted with understanding B-roll. In taking footage for various shots of a film, you have to label the shot you picked, and how long that shot is, another step in breaking down the A.V Script. (2020)
"The man who thought he was British" This is the final product of the film after utilizing all the different elements that students had to become aware of, to further their education on filmmaking practices(2020)

Title page of Film Treatment (2021)

"How to take out the trash" original film treatment made for my introduction to film and video class.(2021)

"How to take out the trash" after creating the treatment I had to make a storyboard that illustrated these ideas within my film. In the classic six framed format I needed to provide a variety of shots, while also sticking to the concepts I presented in my treatment. (2021)
"How to take out the trash" The final product of the film that was made after going through various techniques to establish my own understanding of cinematography and film production. (2021)
"How to clean your room" In understanding the themes of my film class assignments at Full sail University, most of the prompts where simple, and it was up to the student to build from that. In this other "Instructional" video I used my new found knowledge of the techniques in film and created a final project for my (Digital Cinematography) class. (2021)